Sand Dog and the Stolen Apples

The Nonesuch Orchestra has just visited the lovely St Nicholas CofE School in Elstree for the first time, and held another exciting workshop with the pupils.

This time, conductor Dan Shilladay showed how music can tell stories by using the first movement of Stravinsky’s Concerto in D for String Orchestra - with the pupils creating the story. The music - a wonderfully vivid piece recently performed by Nonesuch in our summer lunchtime concert - got the creative juices flowing and the children’s ideas were truly enthralling!

We learned about a boy called Peter building a sandcastle, a sinister dog emerging from the sand, an episode of stealing apples, and - as the ultimate sanction - the thief’s father confiscating his phone and unplugging his laptop! Stravinsky could hardly have predicted that his abrupt ending to the movement would have inspired such a dénouement, but we feel certain that he would have heartily approved…

Musicians listen while scriptwriters get to work

The headteacher, Mrs Johnston-Grant, sent this message:

“Thank you for organising this event to inspire musicality in our pupils…It was a most memorable and inspiring experience for the pupils and staff. Please pass on our thanks to the orchestra for giving of their time so generously to provide such a lovely morning of musical appreciation.”