"Is this real? It's like a dream...."

That was the verdict of one of the Essex Primary School guitarists during the rehearsal with the Nonesuch Orchestra for a performance before the school.

What a joy for us to spend our morning at this lively school in Newham! The children's enthusiasm added to our own, as we looked out at so many lovely, smiling faces and heard their beautiful voices, obviously well rehearsed by their music teachers.

An ensemble of six guitarists from Years 5 and 6 - seen in the photo below - accompanied us for several tunes, including a fun Batman theme. The guitar ensemble also joined us for Peter and the Wolf, and the wolf theme seemed to stick, as children conjured up images of Little Red Riding Hood, along with other fairy tales, when responding to the other music we played, with our conductor Dan Shilladay introducing motifs from Gustav Holst and Haydn, and eliciting story themes from the children. Dan literally seemed to dance between the large groups of children, the guitarists and us, as he coordinated vibrant rounds of an adaptation of Frère Jacques.

And when we played as one group exited, and they began clapping heartily to the beat, we thought we'd struck a chord! The school staff were so welcoming, and we passed exuberant children in the playground as we left, with several shouting out "bye" and waving. So wonderful to feel we reached these children. They certainly warmed our hearts. 

No dreaming here! Guitarists concentrate in final rehearsal