Haydn's Seven Last Words of our Saviour on the Cross - at Christ Church Turnham Green, Chiswick W4
Nonesuch Orchestra performs a new arrangement by Dan Shilladay of Haydn’s masterpiece for Holy Week. A profoundly moving work of seven sonata movements giving voice to tragedy and grief - and to hope and redemption. Framed by an introduction and a closing depiction of the earthquake following the crucifixion, it includes the corresponding texts from the Bible, read by Joanne Pearce.
The performance takes place on Wednesday 16th April at 7.00 pm in Christ Church Turnham Green, Town Hall Avenue, Chiswick.
Admission is free, with a retiring collection to support Nonesuch Orchestra’s work bringing music to London schools - find out more here.
If you cannot attend and/or would prefer to donate online, you can do so here.